Prof. Lars Abakken

Lars Aabakken is head of GI Endoscopy at Oslo University Hospital/Rikshospitalet. He is attending doctor and Professor of medicine with special interest in Gastrointestinal endoscopy, documentation systems and clinical research. He is former president in SADE (Scandinavian Association for Digestive Endoscopy) and ESGE (European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy), council member of UEG (United European Gastroenterology) and Secretary General for WEO (World Endoscopy Organization). Presently he is editor-in-chief of Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, chairman, WEO-ARA (Activities to Reach Africa), and European Commission expert panel member, Branch of Medical Devices.
He has a major interest in GI endoscopy on the European level, particularly related to quality work and education. He is also since many years involved in educational activities in Sub-Sahara Africa, recently in the context of his role in WEO. This encompasses remote, as well as on-site training activities, research collaboration and other adapted support at select regional hubs of GI.
He has published > 200 scientific papers and a number of textbooks and – chapters.