Endoscopia Digestiva
Terminología con Definiciones y Clasificaciones de Diagnóstico y Terapéutica y “Reporte Endoscópico Estandardizado”.
- Editors: Maratka, Zdenek / Waye, Jerome D. / Armengol Miró, José Ramon
- ISBN: 978-3-89199-098-8
- Status: available
- Publication date: 2014
- Language: Spanish
- Product type: printed book
- Binding: soft cover
- 253 pages, 289 images and darwings
- Price: 42,00 EUR
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The original author and editor Zdenek Mařatka having passed away, Jerome D. Waye, former president of the World Endoscopy Organisation WEO took over to continue and update together with J. R. Armengol Miró this basic reference for digestive endoscopists.
This book is vastly updated with new pictures and definitions of gastrointestinal diseases. New sections of ERCP and EUS round out the entire hollow GI tract while both surgeons and gastroenterologists will benefit from the chapters on diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy. A sampling of the best photos of the GI tract along with the side by side meticulous line drawings by Prof. Mařatka are delightful and supplemented by modern high definition video images. This book is meant to supplement the MST as described in the web pages of the World Endoscopy Organization.
This comprehensive book and the complementing DVD provide a quick and thorough reference to the terminology for endoscopic diagnosis and therapy. This book should be on the desk of every medical and surgical endoscopist as well as being available in every gastrointestinal endoscopy department for the use of nurses and endoscopy assistants.
Jerome D Waye, José Ramon Armengol Miró